Connect With Your Inner Trial Goddess

How Potty Mouth Can Get You Balanced

Joy Bertrand Season 1 Episode 9

Today's episode is a little outside the box.  But, let's face it, sometimes the box is a jerk.  Listen to the alternative wisdom of Deborah Garland - Ayurvedic Practitioner, Author, Yogi and Healer. Her profession is the knowledge and science of life and longevity.  Her specialty is assessing your current imbalance to help you make small, easy adjustments to achieve positive shifts in overall wellness. And you will never guess where to look first to find what is keeping you stuck and incapable of being your most balanced self. 

Be sure to join our tribe here - we want to know how you are doing - we will also send you the balancing and immune boosting tea recipe mentioned in this episode. 

Thinking of you,

PS. Discover more about how Deborah can help here - and check out our Facebook page for the promised recipe.
