Connect With Your Inner Trial Goddess
Women Trial Lawyers: Find Your Voice. Take Your Space. Command the Courtroom.
Connect With Your Inner Trial Goddess
The (Disciplined) Creative Goddess
Hello Friends,
So, here is the truth.
I have been extremely motivated since the shut down to use the gift of time that was bestowed on me – on us – on the world, to do work that was important and meaningful to me. Namely, the Athena Project.
And then….
Sometime around Mother’s Day, I got a little sideways. And I struggled to make myself sit down and write. I just could not make myself do the work I had longed to find time for under normal deadlines.
And it made no sense to me.
This struggle – and what to do about it is the topic of our podcast.
It is Episode 3 of a 4-part series on Athena in the Courtroom. There is a visual to help you follow along here.
As always, I am grateful for your attention and I want to connect with you. Please like us on Facebook so that I can keep in touch with you and share all the tools and strategies that will help you evolve as a fellow Athena in the Well.
All my best,
Joy Bertrand